Sunday, November 26

WoW Addons Episode 15

Just got Episode 15 up and ready for you all. This time around Lorim covers some crazy named Mage mod called Cryolysis, while I cover the very simple mod called Force Enchant. As you may notice in the show we are minus a special guest. He had some RL issues come up and was not able to make it. So he has been delayed till next week's show.

Download the show now and let us know how it was by commenting or e-mailing us.


Anonymous said...

"special" guest... what do you got "some troll"? I mean... uhhh... umm what?

Lumid said...

We don't just have have some troll, we have Thattroll.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, that has interfered... I understand this question. Is ready to help.