Monday, April 16

WoW Addons Episode 34 (Audio Only)

*** Audio Only***

Well here we have episode 34 and with it we bring happy days. Well happy RP days. We just had an RP wedding over the weekend on Saturday the 14th. I, as Punchbowl, wed Nobleadela to Manthra and Ixxi to Bloddyloc. It was a great turn out in Silvermoon City that followed by an even better reception. Thanks all that made it. You can check out some pics of the event at

We decided to record the show during our party and our guild mates being the cool people they are let us record the show and stay on the hush hush as they partied. The newly weds join me as Manthra covers MyAddons, Nobleadela talks about BattleCry, and I wrap up with SizeUpGizmo.

Just as fair warning the end of this show gets a bit loud as since everyone isn't muted they all give a big goodnight from the dance floor.

*** Audio Only ***

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