Monday, December 25

WoW Addons Episode 19

Episode 19 is up and just in time for the holiday. Yep we managed to get this one out to you. And when I say "we" I mean to include Enno. He joined us for this episode and brought with him a mod called zHunterMod. Lorim then follows him with her featured mod called GuildMailer. And lastly I pop in with my mod called KLH ThreatMetter 18.11. It makes for a big show but don't forget that Episode 20 promises to be even bigger and in HD. And let us not for get DIGG. That's right we're on DIGG now so head on over there and Digg us. We've got a lot going on but we'd still like to hear from you so comment or e-mail us anytime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

zHuntermod has been updated since I recorded the vid for this cast. Still great mod for hunters :)